Designing Training Curriculum for Capacity Building in Time Use Surveys for a Complete Measurement of the Economy to promote Gender Justice

International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization and the International Labour Organization office at Geneva has asked TURC to design Training Curriculum for Capacity Building in Time Use Surveys for a Complete Measurement of the Economy to promote Gender Justice.

The training curriculum comprises of the following modules:

Module 1. Understanding Work for Gender Justice

Module 2. Introduction to Time Use Statistics

Module 3: A module designed specifically for producers of statistics: optional for users of statistics

A) Conducting Time Use Surveys

B) Classification of TU activities

Module 4: A module designed specifically for producers of statistics: optional for “users of statistics”

A) Basic Time use data analysis

B) Methods of valuing unpaid household service work and voluntary work

C) Other important analytical constructs

D) Time use statistics and macro- modelling

Module 5: How time use statistics serve policy objectives including gender justice and decent work

The Expert Team

The experts who are involved in this task are as follows (arranged alphabetically)

  1. Dr. Rania Antonopoulos, Co-director, GEM IWG and Principle Instructor, Knowledge Networking Programme, GEM IWG; and Research Scholar and Director, Gender Equality and the Economy Programme. The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College
  2. Dr. Jacques Charmes, Professor of Economics, Director of Department of Social and Health Sciences, Institute of Research for development (IRD), France (He has been Advisor on TUS in several African countries)
  3. Dr. Valeria Esquevel, Instructor, GEM IWG and Investigadora Docente, Instituto de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Argentina
  4. Dr. Kimberly Fisher, Secretary – Treasurer of International Association for Time Use Research; and Member of Core Team, Center for Time Use Research (CTUR), Department of Sociology, University of Oxford, UK.
  5. Dr. Margerita Guerrero, Advisor, Statistics, UN ESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand, formerly Statistician with UN Statistical Division at New York
  6. Dr. Indira Hirway, Director and Professor of Economics, Centre for Development Alternatives, Ahmedabad (India) and Principle Instructor & Advisor on TUS, Knowledge Networking Programme, GEM IWG (She will be the Director of TURC and Convener of the Advisory Committee)
  7. Dr Duncan Ironmonger, Director, Households Research Unit, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Melbourne, Australia
  8. Dr. Indira Hirway is coordinating this project.